what is...I.N.J.M.S.?

It's simply my answer to the one question I constantly get at Church; Do you teach? ...followed by, "I'd like to be on the worhsip team but I don't know how to play or sing..."  Usually worship teams are'nt equipped to teach and although there are some really good programs out there for devleopment, the few I've come across with prerecorded vidoes don't address the specific needs of the individual.

Honestly, there is absollutely nothing wrong with great prerecorded instruction. I actually want to do that too....lol.... but I'm a big believer in one-on-one instruction that fits the individual's specific needs and targets their deficiencies because this greatly accelerates growth. There are advantages to each method, and in the future I plan on implementing both so that those who have the time and those who don't can benefit from the knowledge and experience The Lord has gifted me with in abundance. This is The Lord's ministry.

             Who am I?

                                                     Hello. I'm Daniel Eli Sanchez. I'll be your instructor; God willing.  I play all the instruments in a 5 piece band                                                      which  include drums, bass, guitar, keys and vocals.  Yes, your vocal is an instrument too. I am classically                                                           trained with an associates in instrumental music; so you'll be getting a lot of theory but in a manner that                                                         is applicable in the ministry. You'll also be learning stuff they don't teach in school. God has given me a lot of                                                  knowledge and experience in music both though traditional practice and supernaturally.  I remember a man came to our little church and prayed over me, spoke a word and suddenly I just knew how to play effortlessly. God is amazing and I want to teach his people to use their gifts for His Glory and no one else. The world preaches a sermon; but so does the Holy Spirit. I choose to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit who continues to be my guide and counselor on this little narrow road for he who endures to the end will be saved.  

How it all works/What to expect?

O nline lessons are meant to be interative and flexable to meet your individual needs.  Initial lesson is a free consult to determine your current level of proficiency and your overall goal as an instrumentalist. Lessons are conducted online via zoom screen share. It is recommended to use at minimal a tablet or a laptop rather than your smart phone so that everything can be clearly percieved.

Below is an example of what a keys lessons would looke like from an online student's perspective.